[Video] Intro to HTML 5

Are you interested in HTML 5 and what’s coming down the pipeline but haven’t had time to read any articles yet? We’ve put together an educational Introduction to HTML 5 video that goes over many of the major aspects of this new standard, including:

  • Web vector graphics with the Canvas tag and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
  • The Geolocation API
  • HTML 5 Video
  • The HTML 5 Database and Application Cache
  • Web workers

In the video we also crack open the HTML 5 YouTube Video prototype to show you some of the new HTML 5 tags, such as nav, article, etc. It’s chock full of demos and sample source code.

Video Microsites: The Brand Story Campaign Solution


Everybody wants to do more business. Everybody occasionally runs a promo, a new marketing initiative, a product launch, or a new seasonal lineup. Everybody has a website stuffed with all kinds of content ranging from the important to the useless. But only the truly smart business minds understand that campaigns require their own space and identity if they are to succeed. And when it comes to using the Web as your vehicle for such a campaign, the obvious solution is a Video Campaign Microsite.

What’s A Video Campaign Microsite?

Video Campaign Microsites are websites that employ a series of highly focused video presentations designed specifically for the purpose of promoting a single marketing initiative aimed at a highly targeted audience. Video Campaign Microsites are dedicated to delivering an engaging online experience that compels an audience to act by taking advantage of the marketing initiative’s pitch. These sites benefit from removing all the corporate clutter and irrelevant information that inhabits most business websites and generally gets in the way of an effective marketing presentation. Video Microsites are often implemented by means of a direct emaíl campaign or depending on the budget, magazine, television, or radio advertising. You can also channel corporate site traffic by means of a graphical home page link.

There are different styles of video Microsites that you can employ depending on your brand personality and the goals of the campaign.

1. New Product Launch Video Microsites
The launch of a new product or a seasonal line should be an event, and there is no better way to attract attention and generate public and media interest than to create a brand new website environment dedicated to that launch.

2. Promotional Campaign Video Microsites
A sale is just a sale, and today’s sophisticated buyers have seen it all before, so unless you make a big event out of your promotion, all you’ll end up doing is selling your regular customers the products they would have bought anyway but at a lower markup. A big media splash attracts new customers, new media attention, and old customers you’ve lost.

3. How-To Video Microsites
There is nothing more damaging to your brand or your bottom line than customers who hate you, and who tell their friends and colleagues. A surefire way to make people angry is to sell them something they can’t figure out how to use properly, and a buried FAQ, or a complicated list of instructions in twelve languages and 9 point Times Roman is just not going to cut it. A how-to video site can show people how to use and get the most out of your products or services in a way they will understand and appreciate.

4. Video Mocusites
There is one thing that you definitely cannot be on the Web, and that is boring. Boring websites are the kiss of death. The Web is a crowded place and no matter what you’re looking for, there are probably dozens if not hundreds or thousands of other companies doing the exact same thing, the same way, and probably for less money. You may think you’re different but your Web audience won’t, unless you present yourself in a whole new differentiating way; and one way to do that is with a Video Mocusite. A great example of a Video Mocusite was the Chili’s restaurant chain’s PJ Bland’s campaign.

5. Video Docusites
Where the Video Mocusite takes an entertaining, humorous, and satirical approach to communicating your marketing message, Video Docusites takes a look at the history, longevity, innovation, and success of a company in order to build confidence, loyalty, and brand identity. Ford’s Bold Moves Docusite was a good example of this kind of campaign.

6. Concept Video Microsites
A Concept Video Microsite is about presenting an idea. Some products and services are so innovative or different that they can only be sold if you communicate the concept behind them. Other products may be similar to competitors but the way they are sold is different and creative. In these types of instances the Concept Video Microsite is the answer. The SonicPersonality and 136Words sites are examples of Concept Video Microsites.

7. Sponsored Video Webisode Microsites
Sponsored Video Webisode Microsites are a great marketing vehicle for those companies with the guts and foresight to recognize what the Web is all about. These types of campaigns attract an ongoing loyal audience because they are bite-sized mini programs or episodes designed to entertain and/or educate without an overt sales pitch. If conceived and designed properly your program content delivers your emotional and psychological value proposition while the accompanying pre- and post-commercials deliver your direct pitch. Think of it as sponsoring your personal private online mini television series.

8. Demographic Video Microsites
When a company has different campaigns for different demographic markets, it should present them separately to avoid confusion, mixed messages, and a dilution of the brand identity, image, and personality.

Microsites Help You Avoid Information Overload

Fashion and apparel companies, for example, all have seasonal product lines that need to be promoted in a current, if not trendy, manner. Dumping such a campaign into your regular corporate Web environment gets in the way of achieving the campaign’s marketing goals: the audience looking for new products and promotions is not interested in your Investor Relations or Career Opportunities, and likewise, the people looking for jobs and investment information aren’t interested in your holiday specials. It doesn’t matter how good your presentation is if you bury it so no one ever sees it. If website visitors can’t find what they’re looking for fairly quickly, they’re gone.

And why should a fashion or apparel company use video at all? The answer is simple: there is just no better way to present how a garment looks on a real person from all sides and angles, and when they move. Add a little voice-over description and you’ve got your little fashion show designed to move product whether online or in-store. Too many companies, especially e-commerce companies, still ‘think print’ even when they are using the Web as their main marketing communication vehicle.

Microsites Help You Avoid The Confusion of Mixed Messages

If there is one thing that will kill your marketing, branding, and positioning faster than anything else it’s sending mixed messages to multiple audiences using the same venue or vehicle. Fast food companies are continuously running promotions and they use television as their primary marketing communication vehicle. The problem is television commercials are a shotgun approach: you broadcast a commercial and whoever sees it, sees it. Sure there are sophisticated demographic analyses of those who watch what and when, but even with that knowledge the perception-leakage is substantial.


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.tel It’s more than a domain name

Watch this video and learn more about .tel for Business.

Live Example:




YourCompany.tel For Businesses


Key Benefits for Businesses

Create and control your communications hub

Create a fully interactive and live communications hub to take control over how and where customers communicate with you. Publish all your means of communication, like phone, fax, email, Web links and keywords describing your business.

Join the only, real-time, global directory

Gain entry into the first global directory, allowing you to own and control all your contact information and update it in real-time whenever you wish.

Effectively route customers to appropriate departments and locations

Put customers in contact with the right people by routing them to the department or location of their choice using a quick and easy-to-use navigation structure.


Increase online discoverability

Increase your chance of being found online by publishing keywords related to your business, products, departments or locations. These keywords are indexed by leading search engines, which improves your online visibility.


Connect with customers from any device

Make your business or brand instantly accessible from any device connected to the Internet. Your customers simply type YourCompany.tel into a browser, select a method of contact and click to initiate communication.


Gain an effective mobile presence

.Tel domains are optimized for mobile devices by using less copy and graphics so it’s easy for customers to find information about your business when they are on the go.


Live update anytime, anywhere

Easily update your contact information in real time from any device connected to the Internet through a user-friendly interface.

Generate advertising and sales revenue under generic domain names

A business could also use .tel domains for services that are based on generic names: hotels.tel, plumber.tel, insurance.tel, locksmith.tel, etc.  Each .tel domain could easily have multiple sub-domains for navigation to local providers or specialists.


Drive traffic to e-commerce storefronts

A business could use .tel domains to offer storefront services and collect micro-payments for downloads, products or services.  For example: a celebrity fan club site can provide news, chats or downloadable mobile content such as MP3s or ringtones.


Incorporate premium numbers for voting and betting services

A business could use their .tel to easily set up, integrate and manage time-sensitive tasks such as SMS voting for a favorite TV reality show with one-click functionality.


.TEL domain, the new way to communicate.

Get connected to your customers and friends with just one click.

Gmail for your Sony Ericsson phone

Need to get caught up on your Gmail? Try Gmail for mobile. Keep your conversations going and get to any message you want – anywhere you are – for free.

  • Smooth and responsive user interface
  • Powerful shortcut keys and intuitive menus
  • Search and find any Gmail message

You can also use IMAP to sync your Gmail with your phone’s native email client. Learn how





Multiple accounts.New! Quickly switch between your Google Apps email and Gmail from the same client.

Multiple Mobile Drafts.New! Jot your thoughts down, finish and send later.

Shortcut keys*.New! Undo, scroll up and down, archive, delete, refresh at the push of a button. See Menu/Help in the app.

Basic offline*.New! Compose and read your most recent email even when you’re on the subway or plane.

Language Support.New! Gmail for mobile 2.0 is available in over 35 languages.

Message autorefresh. Gmail shows new messages in your inbox without you having to refresh the browser.

Address autocomplete. Gmail lets you enter long email addresses using just a few keystrokes.

View attachments. Open message attachments, including photos, Microsoft Word™ documents and PDF files.

Gmail goodness. Spam filtering, search, labels, filters, stars – and lots of storage space.

* Note that not all phones fully support basic offline or all shortcut keys.
This service is free from Google; carrier charges may apply.

Gmail for your BlackBerry

Google Mobile



Need to get caught up on your Gmail? Try Gmail for mobile. Keep your conversations going and get to any message you want – anywhere you are – for free.

  • Try our faster UI and fly through your email
  • Quickly search and find what you need in your email
  • Compose and read your email offline


Basic offline.New! Compose and read your most recent email even when you’re on the subway or plane.

Multiple accounts.New! Quickly switch between your Google Apps email and Gmail from the same client.

Multiple Mobile Drafts.New! Jot your thoughts down, finish and send later.

Shortcut keys.New! Undo, scroll up and down, archive, delete, refresh at the push of a button. See Menu/Help in the app.

Language Support.New! Gmail for mobile 2.0 is available in over 35 languages.

Message autorefresh. Gmail delivers messages to your inbox without you having to refresh the browser.

Address autocomplete. Gmail helps you complete an address – you only need to type out the first few letters of your contact.

View attachments. Open attachments you receive in messages, including photos, Microsoft Word™ documents, and PDF files.

Gmail goodness. Spam filtering, search, labels, filters, stars, and lots of space.

BlackBerry email client. You can also use BIS to sync your Gmail with the BlackBerry email client. Check your carrier portal orlearn to set it up here.

Firefox extension Site Launcher – bookmarks toolbar !

Firefox extension Site Launcher lets you replace your bookmarks toolbar with an overlay window of links that can be pulled up at any time using a simple keyboard shortcut. You pick which sites you want on the list, and a one-letter keyboard shortcut is given to each. When pulled up, you simply hit the key for the site you want and it goes straight to it. Once you’ve memorized which sites are on your list, you can make use of an alternate key combination that lets you skip to each site without having to view the menu at all.

The extension comes with a handful of popular sites built in, although you can also start from scratch with your own. You also have several color and menu style options including setting the maximum number of columns you want, and how transparent the window is.

If you’re a laptop or Netbook user looking to get the convenience of a bookmarks toolbar without sucking up the screen real estate, this is a great way to save some space.

Here’s a quick demo video of how it works:

Download Link:  https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/10127

What is a Corporate Film?

Corporate Film on Thin Budget

Concept and Script Development

A Corporate film has the complete essence of a company’s corporate image and strategy. Therefore it is very important to focus on the core competencies & other aspects relevant to a corporate film. We start by understanding your business, your product(s) or service(s), your target customer’s profile and your objective for developing a corporate film. Afterwards a concept with a script is developed by our visualisation team and it is then brainstormed with you with the aid of storyboards. After necessary approvals we go about the business of actually making the film.

Shooting & Photography

Here a range of options are available. You can choose from the basic VHS ( a video type) to U-matic to Betacam depending upon the delivery medium ( ex. Broadcast on television or LCD projector) and budget. VHS has reasonably good quality while U-matic has very good output capabilities. Betacam is on the higher side of the quality spectrum and is comparable to broadcast quality (like you see on TV). Our technical team can suggest the best option for you and educate you about the most suitable one. Our experienced videographers & photographers are capable of excellent coverage of your various wares and locations. We can do multi-locations on a turnkey basis. Once the shooting is over, we view the footage and see if their is anything that needs repetition and reshoot.

Editing, Dubbing and Delivery

We then capture the whole footage onto our editing workstations in the digital formats. Our creative editors put the ideas envisaged in the concept and script onto the actual film. The film is edited complete with relevant transitions, special effects, cuts and titles to your satisfaction. A spoken script is then developed for the film, which is then dubbed at a professional recording studio at a very high quality utilising the services of a accomplished voice over artist. Here also we offer a gamut of choices ranging from the Local talent to someone who is best in the show business. This recorded voice over is then implemented in the edited movie along with crisp background music and finalized with panache.

Finally it is packaged and delivered in the media of choice, be it Tape or DVD CD Media.

For More info Please call: +91-98840-28123


Case Study: Success Story – Twiddy & Company Realtors

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